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How are you?.... I really want to know. Here in the United States sometimes people ask this just "because". They don't want an answer or don't even wait for one if they don't want to strike up a conversation. It's almost like a "hello", now carry on. Don't be offended by this type of behavior.. sometimes they even get surprised if someone stops and say "I'm good, and you?". "How's it going?" is also a different way to ask the same thing. = "How are you?" "How are you doing?" made famous by Joey ("How you doin" with a NYC drawl) from Friends as a pick up line, but still used by many as ... = "How are you?" "How have you been?" said in an extremely short/quick way. Someone might say that if they haven't seen you in a while... = "How are you?" "What's up?" .... oooh this one.... according to this greeting was made famous by no...